Everything You Want To Know About —— Superbird (周采茨)         1986 2         號 外
If someone tells you﹕「我唔識惡。」The person must be lying。這世界上只有不好意思惡﹐沒有唔識惡。佛都有火﹐it all boils down to whether one is pushed or how far one is pushed
Like all things in life﹐惡講 technique and timing
Technique 主要是用詞及用聲 (或用筆)or something.  The best is silence
Timing is simply timing
我是惡人﹐不是很惡﹐但是我是惡人By the wayI don't have an English word for —— it's not 'mean''tough''hard''strong''difficult' and many moreyet a little bit of all of them
我惡得爽﹐但我知我惡得不夠透徹。太多不好意思﹐太心軟﹐太留餘地了。不然的話我的文章會更好看 (尤其是對有虐待狂及有心睇人衰的讀者來講﹐更能滿足他們的需要)
純惡的人﹐我不怕﹐最怕毒?比惡毒更可怕的是陰毒。遇上這樣的人﹐I avoid at all cost
從來沒有怕過惡人﹐由其是 instantly 惡的人。這是因為我從小 training ﹐再加上 experience﹐對這一類惡人﹐應付有餘。
Violent 惡就難 handle 了。自己不是 violent  的人﹐亦不想與 violent 的人做密友﹐所以到 verbal 惡有機會 turn into violent 惡時﹐我就卅六著走為上著。
Persistant 惡就要看自己心情了﹐if I am in the mood﹐長期惡也是情趣。Otherwise﹐冇你咁好氣﹗
以我的經驗及道行﹐bluffing 惡很容易 detect (unless it is violent bluffing )﹐二三下手腳已可以將件事了結。
唔好意思惡而又想惡的人﹐往往 play right into my hands﹐正利用他這一個弱點﹐再對他特別好﹐令他惡不出﹐結果還是我惡。
Humourous 惡﹐有兩種對付法。如果自己道行高﹐be more humourous 惡。自己道行低的話最好講粗口﹐以最 basic 的惡來令對方束手無策。
對付漫不關心的死樣怪氣惡﹐一定要用最有 energy 的節奏爽快的惡來對比﹐才能取勝。毫無理由的惡﹐可以用同樣方法對付或叫他入青山﹐or circumstances permit﹐打他幾下才走。
—— 報警。



—— 哭。
—— 罵還。
        —— LER 地。
        —— 扮淑女﹐不晌。
        —— 冷靜的將一大段對白講出來令他慚愧。
        —— kiss his lips to shut him up
        —— undress if you are in the mood
—— 哭。
—— 用更粗罵回。
—— 用粗口罵回後 make love to him
—— leave him

—— 抱住她﹐until she stops
—— slap her once onlythen hold her in his arms
—— strip her and make love to herthat is if he is 'sure' she likes it
—— walk outfor good or until she cools down
—— 不晌。
—— 罵還。
—— do his own thing like reading a book
—— quickly find a flower or something symbolize love and give it to her
—— 講「我愛你」。
—— 講他的辛苦史。
—— kiss her



—— 粗口罵回。
—— 叫她收聲。
—— walk out
—— make love to her if it turns both on


其實﹐以上這些都可輕易應付運用﹐but the truth is 只有一種惡 that exists between men and women﹐被需要的一定比需要的惡。需要可以meanlove moneysexcompanionship etc ……

歸根結底最惡還是 —— 發窮惡﹗