日劇《OVERTIME》與 Bruce Springsteen 的《波比珍      2000    號外









劇中女主角江角真紀子三十歲﹐男主角反町隆史廿五歲﹐男女主角年齡成反差距﹐《OVERTIME》不是第一次﹐日劇經典《悠長假期》裡木村拓哉和山口智子就是經典的「老妻少夫」組合 ﹐但不同之處是木村 / 山口最終都排除萬難﹐來個神話式的有情人終成眷屬﹐而《OVERTIME》的反町和江角並沒有得到大團圓結局﹐雖然他們曾經發生過性行為﹐但由始至終﹐他們都各有各的愛情發展和困擾﹐彼此沒有試過真正成為一對戀人﹐他們之間可以說是一種十分微妙奇妙的男女關係﹐令我想起了 Bruce Springsteen 一首名曲 "Bobby Jean"



Bobby Jean Springsteen 八十年代經典勁碟《Born in the U.S.A》第二面(那時我還是買黑膠碟的)第二首歌﹐我第一次聽已被它強勁的節拍和抑鬱的調子所吸引﹐後來仔細聽歌詞﹐竟感動到忍不住哭起來﹐即使時至今日﹐每次聽到這首歌﹐依然有流淚的衝動﹐它的歌詞是這樣的。


Well I came by your house the other day

Your mother said you went away

She said there was nothing that I could have done

There was nothing nobody could say


Me and you we have known each other ever since we were 16

I wished I would have known

I wished i could have called you just to say goodbye

Bobby Jean


Now you hung with me when all the others turned away, turned up their nose


We liked the same music, we liked the same bands, we liked the same clothes

We told each other that we were the wildest

The wildest things we’d ever seen

I wished I could have talked to you just to say goodbye

Bobby Jean


Now we went walking in the rain, talking about the pain that from the world we hid

Now there ain’t nobody, nowhere, nohow gonna ever understand me the way you did


Maybe you’ll be out there on that road somewhere, in some bus or train

Travelling along, in some motel room, there’ll be a radio playing and you’ll hear me sing this song

Well, if you do, you’ll know I’m thinking of you

And all the miles in between

And I’m just calling one last time

Not to change your mind but just to say I miss you baby, good luck, goodbye


Bobby Jean

上一篇:2000 《生她的活》和《獨身生活》

下一篇:2001 人狗情 — 球叔與二妹